Tomasz Młynarczyk
Tomasz Młynarczyk (born in 1971 in Radzyń Podlaski) - a Polish artist photographer. He is the founder of the 'Frame' Photography Club in Radzyń Podlaski (Polish: Radzyński Klub Fotograficzny "Klatka"), the member of the Association of Polish Art Photographers (Polish: Związek Polskich Artystów Fotografików - ZPAF) of the Lublin district.
Tomasz Młynarczyk is not only a photopgrapher, but he is also an organiser and co-organiser of cultural events in the area. He currently works at the Radzyń Cultural Center (Polish: Radzyński Ośrodek Kultury) as a culture instructor. He deals with the popularisation of culture and art.
In 2002, he founded the 'Frame' Photography Club in Radzyń Podlaski.
In 2004, he received the Photographer Of The Year 2003 award from the Polish Nature Photographers’ Union.
In 2011, he was one of the founders and members of the ‘Motycz’ Creative Group.
In March 2016, he was accepted to the Association of Polish Art Photographers as the first member coming from Radzyń Podlaski.
In 2017, he started his work at the Radzyń Cultural Center as a culture instructor.
In 2024, he became the-author and coordinator of the Eastern Photography Festival (Polish: Wschodni Festiwal Fotografii).
Photographic career
Tomasz Młynarczyk is considered to be the first artist photographer in the history of Radzyń Podlaski.
He took up photography professionally in 1999.
In 2019, as the summary of twenty years of his creative work, the Polish Post memorialised the anniversary with limited-edition stamp collection with his photographs depicting Radzyń Podlaski, Lublin and Kazimierz Dolny.
He often touched upon sacred themes in his works. As a photographer, he cooperated with the Catholic Information Agency. His another professional experience was participating in the works of several photography competition juries.
Photography subjects and specialisation
The most common subjects of his photography include:
- abstraction
- architecture
- document
- landscape
- still life
- portrait
- industry
- nature
- reportage
Tomasz Młynarczyk specialises in:
- digital image processing
- microscopic photography
- macroscopic photography
- occasional photography
- pinhole photography
- theatre photography
- film photography
- music photography
- photo editing
- classic black and white technique
- electronic publications
- alternative techniques
- printed publications
The ‘Frame’ Radzyń Photography Club
In 2002, he founded the ‘Frame’ Radzyń Photography Club, which initially operated at the Radzyń Cultural Centre, and then at the Radzyń Association of Local Initiatives.
Currently, the meetings and classes are held again at the Radzyń Cultural Centre.
Tomasz Młynarczyk serves as the club's Chairperson, organizing and conducting i.a. thematic photography workshops, monthly meetings of its members, "The Photo of the Month" competition, weekly "ROK (Radzyński Ośrodek Kultury) with photography" workshops for beginners and non-professional photographers of all ages.
Współpraca i edycja
- Szukaj konsensusu: W przypadku kontrowersji, staraj się osiągnąć porozumienie z innymi edytorami poprzez dyskusję na stronie dyskusji artykułu.
- Bądź odważny, ale ostrożny: Zachęca się do edytowania i poprawiania artykułów, ale zawsze z poszanowaniem pracy innych.
- Przestrzegaj zasad Wikipedii: Zapoznaj się z wytycznymi i zasadami projektu, takimi jak zasady dotyczące biografii osób żyjących, prawa autorskie, etc.
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